Thursday, January 05, 2006

On sick leave

Can't afford to get sick now a days. Can't be interupted with what we have set in our schedules and a thousand more details we have added to our endless "to do list". But just the same even with out our persimission we all do get sick! The viruses that are fellowshipping with us daily awaits the lucky winner with whom it will have a time of close conversation for at least 5 days (virus are selft limiting), when the 5 days is over and mr. virus still stays hmmmp time to call your aunt-anti biotic! Then let's see whats next.

On the non viral side of life.....applying for sick leave is a blessing! Invites us to think and later on give thanks. Reminds us that we are not superhumans, we do get sick. We say we have not invited the visitation of the virus. Well, it seems that one way or the other we have given them a juicy inviation. Look at the amount of sleep we have, the food we eat and the junks that we feed our body. Not to mention the tons of schedules we take (because we cant or wont say no) into our day or into the coming days. Sick leave uninvited ha?

it is in this state of slowdown that we learn to reflect a lot of thoughts visit our minds. Don't shoo them away let them flow for a moment and learn to value the blessings of evaluation. this can be good start of a better perspective and a better life. I remember the words of Jesus "seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness....." taking a sick leave is awful, yet it can be an awesome discovery of our helplessness that invites us to turn to Jesus the One who helps the helpless! . By the way sick leave allows you to rest and not feel guilty.


Blogger Bong said...

welcome to the world of blogging, PT!

5:48 PM  
Blogger Nechie said...

now here is another blog that i am sure to frequent. looking forward to reading more posts. =)

10:47 PM  
Blogger sillyserious said...

...taking a sick leave also allows you to blog :) hehe... keep writing, bro.

10:57 PM  

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