Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Thorns and touch

Who wants the hassles in life? honestly, we all find it attractive to just live life in its smooth phase. As for me being creature of habit, i want to stay safe. On the outset it looks perfectly fine until slowly one begin to feel the boredom and the tragedy of the uneventful! With amazement i wonder on those who dare, like my brother alex, honestly he inspires me a lot to come out of my walls. Little by little Im beginning to see progress.

Apostle Paul in the bible mentioned about his rare spiritual discoveries, not to mention this is exclusively his. imagine being caught in the third heaven and see some sites and heard some sounds that he is forbidden to disclose! Yet he mention a sharp thorn, that creates a persistent deal of inconvinience to his life. He begged God three times to take this away. Imagine he who prayed for others have not been able to pray for himself and get his desired response? Irony or false expectations? God replied "my grace is sufficient for thee".

God gave His sufficient touch of grace instead of instant relief. The result is always best for paul, his character is being built by the thorn and he is being refreshed by his touched. Could we also say he was pricked to be preserved? Preserved from what? From pride. from suferficial walk with God. to exempt him from the thorn is to expose him to danger. When finally life became eventful he learned the mystery that still bogs our minds to some extent, he slowly understood the meaning of when Im weak then I am strong. thorns and touch we both need them to grow deep!


Blogger sillyserious said...

"To be exempt from the thorn is to be exposed to danger."

Beautiful and true :) oh that we would faithfully endure our thorns - "for when we are weak, then we are strong."

11:25 PM  
Blogger arneltan said...

thanks alex for taking time to read my blog. and most of all for stirring my heart to write.... a long long way to go.

11:50 AM  
Blogger NDHAY said...

thorns in my life causes me to bleed,,the pain is too deep,,for the people who sees me would just simply say i can go over it,,but in fact in my own strength i am exhausted,,and tired about life no meaning and dull,,,,,,

the only thing i know this time my mind never listened to any reasons except that gentle touch of my lord,,,letting me feel that am not alone in my battle,,,,He is holding me with His both hands...thanks to Christ my lord ,,and to you Pasor tan His servant who continually reminds of God"s goodness in this weary world.

9:22 PM  

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