Saturday, October 14, 2006

A candle light prayer meeting

It was friday the 13th when we had the most unique prayer meeting in our church. Just when we were about to start prayer meeting about 5:35pm the lights went out! The rest of the block where our church is located have their electricity except our lane. Hmmmmp, it was not friday the 13th it was a timely reminder of our God the Soverreign One! I went to a corner to pray and ask God to bring back the light before the meeting begins. I went to the pulpit and ask the church to pray for the light- The Lord did not grant our request, He wants us to learn something.

Honestly, I was not disappointed that the light did not come back. At this point the women and some of our men and our associate pastors begin to light candles. It was nice to see, flickering lights against the background of darkeness. We can't see clearly who is our seat mate in church the only lights were the lighted candles. As I reflect it was a symbolic moment of God reminding that all of our man made hopes must be temporarily dimed so we can see the beauty of the light of God's hope! Believe me that message is tailored for me.

By 6pm we started the worship, we sang from our hearts and memory "in moments like these" and 'God is so good" lesson when things are dark we all find ourselves becoming childlike in faith and in our singing of those songs whom we thought just for kids. i enjoyed every moment of the candle light prayer meeting. I stood to give the devotion message guided only by a kinky candle light on the podium. i recall that morning when i was preparing for my message for prayer meeting, there is an inner prompting to try to memorize this verses, i did. No i know why, my 37 year old eye cant cleary see as it used to be (reality check growing oooooch old). i preached the verses from memory "Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God (Psalm 20:7)

Then we all prayed and felt an unique presence of the Lord! A remarkable friday the 13th indeed, an encounter with the One who is our light! by the way 209 people attended our prayer meeting! God blew some literal fresh wind so we can not sweat all the way. it was pure delight and sacred experience. Shall we call it a night of fresh gentle wind, and a night of fresh grace filled light! God is close to those who call upon His name!


Blogger arneltan said...

thanks alex for yur wise sayings

9:07 PM  

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