Sunday, February 05, 2006

Something's happening here

predicatable guy as I am as my professor friend Dr. Bong dela fuente would call me - a creature of habit, i am not comfortable with the unsafe and unknown. As a minister i prefer having a smooth service with a clear end. This was not so in our church for the last two Sundays. There's something we cannot define is happening. I go back to what we call brokenness. Something easier to detect than define. Somehow i want define it now..... remember i dont like unclear direction.

The Lord broke our format for that sunday service. i just read passage from the bible that talks about the mouth and the heart. Psalm 19:14 hit me hard. " my the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be acceptable to You. My rock and redeemer" I was not able to preach honestly it was more of reading the word to the congregation than preaching. We ended in sobs and kneeling before the Lord in prayer asking for mercy and grace on how we have in many ways misused the the tongue to lacerete people's heart than build them. As a good friend have observed God has broken our foramat hopefully our hearts too" Lord make us desire being broken for you. Today i have officiated communion as a broken man, so helpless so needy of grace and mercy so needy of God! Something is happening here...... perhaps God is doing something He alone can do! Sweet brokenness!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


my friends gave me a very timely book on brokeness. On the outset who would be attracted to such topic? Except some divine prompting leads you to scan and then discover the blessing that it brings. As the book said brokeness is like fragrance easier to detect than define. Those lines penetrated to my nerves. it seems to say you have or you dont have it, no neutral ground. It is a daily cry to God calling him to break the stubborn pride within me. And indeed God answers the cry of the broken!

God is here but God is especially near to those who call upon him in truth (psalm 145:18), such cry of the helpless is never denied by the Lord! Such nearness to God is humbling and refreshing. you feel clean after the breaking, conscious of your weakness and quick in your call for help. Here life is redefined not by the popular definition of the fast lane, but from the ancient perspective of the old book the a broken spirit the Lord will not despise.

The package of brokeness and the process of it is not attractive. The product on the other hand is a new freedom, a fresh sense of spirituality and a much more meaningful life. Lord help us choose to be broken than unbroken!