Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Reluctant Preacher

it's a rare sunday for me i did not have my regular preaching in our church, believe it's a timely relief. It's not a joke preaching four services on a given sunday. I spoke on the 59th thanksgiving anniversary of Capital Alliance Church in Toril. Rev. Bert Labawan is most gracious to have me preach in their anniversary. It was a wonderful moment of worship and prayer! When the worship leader led us in worship song tears stream down my cheeks. This is something i haven't experience in the past. It's a new sensitivity to God's presence. I think it is this chapter of my life that makes a reluctant preacher out of me.

Reluctant not because of rebellion to God's call but a deep realization of my personal inadequacy and a heavy realization that preaching transcends words, it's a tall order to the preacher himself! How safe just to be in the pew than the man behind the pulpit. It's sacred task that makes you so vulnerable, knowing that your so human. Lord help! Honestly, someone has to do the job so to speak, someone called by God has to stand there and bring sense of God back into the main stream of life. Reluctant because, of the holy expectation that is built within the office of the preacher, reluctant because i know what a graceless heart i have. Reluctant because the job of preaching is a powerful influence to the people who hear. I have more reluctant reasons that cannot put into words for now.

This reluctance makes me seek God in prayer. Every opportunity to stand and preach is a sacred task not to be taken lightly. There is a sense of holy duty to really seek God in earnest prayer if i am the man who will bring God's word. It's a moment that calls to embrace the grace of God as it fearlessly reveal the many ungracious side of my life. Honestly, I think this reluctance leads me not that to seek a podium to pound my thoughts, but to quietly savor lessons for me in my unknown corner. A passion to be a learner than to be a lecturer, a child that need more instruction and only when necessary i wish to open my mouth and quickly hush. This is good for my soul! I pray that i may dig deeper on this a new kind of blessed reluctance.


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