Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Awareness or Easter Awakening

I am doing my final review for tomorrow's easter message. Honestly, this annual routine of preaching easter message sends me to a ministerial cramming looking for something new, something relevant about the easter celebration. Something relevant? Isn't the resurrection of Jesus Christ the most relevant and dynamic truth of Christianity? Perhaps the relevance i am trying to seek is not how to make the message of easter handy and useful in the pain and suffering of the modern man. I believe the message but i am struggling on how to communicate it in a fresh way! Then something happened God intervened, answering my plea for wisdom.

This year's easter must transcend easter AWARENESS to easter AWAKENING! I pondered on the the experience of cleopas and his friend at the road to emmaus. Incidentally, only the gospel of Luke recorded this marvelous easter awakening. Prayerfully, I desire that you too as will encounter the risen Lord and experience easter awakening. On their way to emmaus a stranger joined them, later the stranger started to make sense to them that he became their dinner guest, who later led them to an awakening that the Lord is risen....really risen! What's the difference? At first it was just an information regarding the risen Lord, informed but not transformed this is exactly how many celebrate easter today, well informed in the mind yet no divine warmth in the heart! Jesus Himself walked with them, Jesus Himself talked with them, Jesus Himself dined with them! This easter awakening the Risen Lord walks and talks and commune with us!

Don't walk alone let the risen Lord walk with you, talk with you and dine with you! A special journey of faith and prayer, a special time of spontaneous chat, a special time of close fellowship! Easter must transcend awareness to a holy awakening of grace, gratitude, of faith and of fervent prayers wrought about by the risen Lord Himself! Have you experience this awakening? For a preacher like me preparing easter message should no longer be described as ministerial cramming but a holy encounter with the Risen Lord! The Lord is really risen!



Blogger alex said...

E xperiencing
A wakening and
S oul
T ransforming
E ncounter with the
R isen Lord.


10:52 AM  
Blogger alex said...

hi spurgeon! keep blogging...:)

10:53 AM  

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